Baseball Pitchers - Controlling the Running Game

Controlling the Running Game

Did You Know? - The runner is always the pitchers responsibility.  

            Count                                                                        Game Play


0-1, 0-2, 1-2

1-1, 1-2


3-2 - 2 outs

Generally not a good count to steal on (Good time to run a pick to check if bunt play may be on). Most pitchers (especially youth) start with first-pitch fastballs.

Good time to run a pick or two. Often times when ahead in the count the base runner / coach is looking for an off-speed count to steal on.

May be a good count to pitch up in the zone or fastball away. Try to steal a high strike and give the catcher a chance to throw possible runner out.

Depending on level. Not a good steal count. Runners should know you don’t want to fall behind in the count and is a good fastball count. However, beware of the Hit-and-run.

Runners will be moving. With multiple runners it’s a good time to run a back pick play. 

Pitchers Beware:

  • With two outs runners at first maybe moving to try and reach scoring position. Depending on game situation and inning.
  • If you are a good off-speed pitcher teams are more likely to try and take advantage on the bases.
  • Runners may be moving if you are tough to hit knowing that hits are at a premium against you.

Know your opponent:

  • 2-0 counts are not good stealing counts when there is less than two outs.
  • Good hitting teams will often times not try to force unnecessary steal attempts.
  • Avoid big innings. Don’t let the runner get into your head. Just control the game to the best of your ability.

Side Notes:

  • Know the game situation. Have a feel for your opponent. If they are losing they may be a little more conservative as to not run into outs. If your opponent is winning they may be more aggressive in their approach.
  • Practice your pick off moves a lot. Make sure you feel comfortable throwing over to all bases, especially first.
  • Study what the teams tendency is and what counts they are trying to steal on.
  • Develop some side communication with your teammates. The catcher and first baseman can give you a ques to pick if leads are getting aggressive.
  • Make sure to temp your hold times to home. Have a countdown clock running in your head on each pitch with runners on base.
  • Don’t be predictable. Pitching on a 2 second hold times every pitch is not going to help you. Mix it up!
  • Work on your times to home. Good pitchers should be well under 1.3 seconds to home on their fastball.

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